Hopefully you were smart enough to read the title...
I actually do have homework today D: and I am doing it at the same time as this post. Anyway..enough about how school wastes my time. Here are the new stores in Pretty 'n Love:
Here are my likes:
The dress, I feel like it's old fashioned, but I can't help liking something about it. The top is weird though, the lace. But I do like the carefree summer pattern on it. The two tops are really cute. They follow the trend that they are both short, which makes it fun to layer them and accessorize. The shoes are simple but easy to wear, and the earrings are gaudy but cute. Here are my dislikes:
The fist one looks like the middle of the dress was ereased by the Wizard of Oz. The other dress is practically see through. The purple dress is just ugly. The three skirts are just too old fashioned. The shorts look terrible. Why would anybody where those?! And the shirt is just really ugly PERIOD.
What do you think about the new collection?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Hello fellow stardollians! If you are human (and you happen to have internet access) you should have gotten this mail from stardoll:
Firstly, that first girl's lipstick looks SO ugly. So here are the two new floors:
Not amazing, but then again this is the archive. Here are my likes:
The boots are cute, and the heels can practically go with anything. Now for my dislikes:
The top is weird... I hate the collar. I don't understand the black and white shirt. The purple jumpsuit... I don't know I just can't imagine anybody wearing one of those. The sweater has a really tight neckline, and the white dress just looks strange. The bag is... a weird print and a bad shape. The skirt just has a gray square in the middle.. I don't understand it.
What do you think about this collection?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Okay so I feel like Tingeling just got new floors.... and now they are getting more. I guess Tingeling is the new Voile, which is fine by me cuz that is an epic store of epic proportions.
Well, I love the idea, but the clothes......not so much. But here are my favorites:
One word: pathetic. The clothes are all curtains with safari patterns. The only things that look remotely appealing are this clutch (it looks like it would go with SOMETHING) and the shoes (not that great, but I had to pick something). Now my dislikes:
Ok so there are so many I am not gonna talk about each one. All I am gonna say is that they are all UGLY. I hate how they are billowy and the pattern is SO strange...
What do you think?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Well, the Miss Stardoll World fashion store has just opened.
It's so ugly! Only one floor, too! The only things i kinda like are the shoes (but not the red ones) and that clutch-it's tacky, but in a cool way. Anywho, what do you think? Are you gonna buy anything? Comment.
Mimosmeep :3
I apologize, I know this is late. But is anyone else sick of all these tribute stores?
Okay so... the background is strange much? There are mangoes on the first floor. I LUVS mangoes...... ok. So my favorites:
The skirt is fun and bright and playful, and would look really nice with a solid top (complimentary colors of course). I don't normally like rompers, but I thought this one looked really nice. I love the rosy color, and the belt at the waistline. VERY chic. The heels are simple, but add a subtle touch to any outfit. The earrings are epic, and I luv earrings. I know I have made that pretty clear... hehe. The playsuit is weird, but I think with a nice high belted skirt it would look really cute. I also love the beading on it. Ok, now for my dislikes:
The corset dress is just plain weird. I guess you could cover it up, but then what's the point? The dress is creeppy. I keep feeling like those circle pockets are eyes following me around. creeeepy. The lace dress is just plain ugly, and I am not even going to justify that. It just is. The fur coat is so big and ploofy it's like IN YOUR FACE. And the collar thingy on the top next to that coat just bothers me.
So what do you think about this tribute?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum




So these are the new floors of PPQ. I actually really like the clothes at first glance here. The only problem I have with this store is that the prices are outrageous. Seriously, it's like a cheap LE. It's ridiculous. Anyway, here are the likes:
So.. the necklace is really cute, and stylish. The dress is black, so it's hard to go wrong with that. I love the cinched waist, the double straps, the shape. gorgeous. All the earrings are beautiful, and they're earrings and I love earrings. The shoes are unique. I love the colors on he first pair. I love EVERYTHING about the second pair. Very stylish, chic, can be worked into almost any outfit. Same with the last pair. OK, now for the dislikes:
The hat? No offense or anything, but WE LIVE IN THE 21ST CENTURY. The jacket is just...uptight. The second jacket is puffy, and has a weird design. The bridle belt reminds me too much of my science teacher (he wears suspenders... don't ask) and the last jacket...too white, too open.
What do you think about PPQ?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Hola fellow stardollians! Sorry for not posting in a while. I have been SO BUSY doing nothing. So anyway, here's the newest floor of Original Future:
Cute, as usual. Here are my likes:
The clutch and the top are cute and spunky. You can always count on this store for interesting patterns. The two dresses would be fun to layer, and I love their color schemes. OK, now for my dislikes:
The shorts have a terrible color combo.... and the shape? No... definitely NO. The tank.. I don't understand it at all. The design... weird, and how do you wear it? You can't even layer it. The skirt isn't great, it's simple, and i don't like the weaving down the middle.
What do you think about the Originality of the Future?
.......If the future wasn't original, then the store would be called Deja Vu.
Well that was a really corny joke... oh well. I like corn. Especially on the cob.
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
So there is a new store in honor of the Olympics.
So there are a TON of floors for this store, so I better get started...
WOOW this is A HUGE store. My favorites are the pink bunny on the last floor, the purple tulip on the second to last floor, and the purple chair also on the second to last floor. My dislikes are the green deer on the eighth floor, the blue chair on the sixth floor, and the bike on the first floor. So lemme just say, I LOVE the last two floors. They are SO cute! I love the colors!
What do you think?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
So the Archive got new stuff! YAY! So here is the new archive floors:
So yeah! Archive is back and better then ever! Well... that's not all the way true... but anyway: Here are my likes!
I like the color of the skirt, the electric blue. The other skirt is a little bit quirky, but I can see it looking good. The two shoes are simple, but cute in their own way. Now for my dislikes:
The flower top is really tight and ugly. The black fringe top is way too baggy and has no shape. The dress is too long, and it looks tacky. The beige dress has a weird design, and weird flair stuff at the bottom. The shoes are just ugly all on their own...  don't understand the white top's sleeves.
So what do you think about the new Archive?
Gimme a candy bar!ChocoChocoYum
Hey guys!!  New Store!!  Frankie Morello Tribute!!!  You all should have gotten a message from stardoll that looks something like This:
Okay, so basically, its just about the new Store...  Here are the different floors:
Okay, so first of all, it feels like a bunch of mannequins have the same shoes and accessories!!!  Really, you couldn't come up with a few more high heels... Inspired by someone elses style??  Also.. everything here is soooo expensive... and its all in Stardollars...  Ugh!!!  I don't think I'm gonna be doing my shopping here. But kudos Stardoll for a more "punk" look!! Again.. way to appeal to other audiences!! Now for my likes and dislikes

Okay, so these clothes are probably the least "punk" in the store... and they are kinda cute. For the Jacket... Wear a Bright cami underneath with a pare of skinnyjeans and bright heels. It would look amazing!!  For the sports tee, you could wear a cami under it. Some supershort denim shorts would super cute!!  And for the dress, and some white or silver heels, a pair of cute dangly earrings, and a braclet. Then you're ready to rock this dress!!

Okay, The accessories are too spiky, gothish (sorry if that is offensive, I hope its not!!) for my style. Same with the leotard-thingy ... I don't really like the plunge and the Spikey shoulders, I also don't really like the dress. Its too plain, except for the studs. I guess you could accessorize it with the black studded belt if you own it, but still. Anyway... I want to hear what you guys have to say about Frankie Morello Tribute!!!What do you guys think of the store? Are you guys gonna shop here? Comment!!

Careful... Truffles Melt!!

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